Monday, September 7, 2009

So I haven't fallen off or anything......

I'm still running according to schedule and I intend to step up the schedule on the triathlon training. Yep....I'm going to do a reverse mini-sprint in December:


12 mile bike ride

150 meter swim (in a heated pool)

I actually found this one before but didn't want to do it because it seemed a little too short (with a pool swim). But I'm afraid I'll fall into a trap of just running and not focusing on swimming and biking (because March '10 is a while from here). But signing up for this mini triathlon, I will force myself to get my stroke together and start swimming laps. I'll also get my shit together to find a bike. It'll also be good practice in terms of preparing for the race and transitioning during the race. I know that it's a reverse so the transitions won't be the same, but still.

After this one, I hope to go on vacation to Barbados (where I will swim and run on the beach - that's the plan anyway) and then come back to implement an 8 week sprint tri training plan. One would think that after doing a mini-sprint in December and keeping up come cardio training with swimming and running over my vacation, that I can easily do an 8 week training program (presumably an aggressive one) in January. My fitness level at that point ought to be able to handle a slightly aggressive training plan.

The best part, by doing this mini print I can prove to myself and others that I'm serious about this. If I'm serious, then I'm going to need slightly more serious gear than the borrowed, put together stuff I have now. I'm not going to pretend that I can really afford it, but I this package will then become a serious consideration:

Making that kind of investment is ridiculous at this point, but not so ridiculous if I complete the mini-sprint and loved it.

Also, it looks like I have another friend on broad, let's call her Rachel. Rachel used to run Triathlons before. She's done three sprints! She knows everywhere to to train (biking, running etc) and she knows a lot about gear. I don't think she's quite committed yet, but I'm working on her.

Moving forward I'm probably just going to post thoughts. I prefer to log my training in a book. I write faster and think faster when I'm writing rather than typing. So I'll keep you updated on where I stand, but no more daily logs.

For the record, I did a 45 minute run/walk (2/3) at a 2% incline on the treadmill yesterday (where I also forgot my ipod - but thankfully - someone took and held it for me). I read that to account for road running, you should always have your treadmill set to at least a 1% incline. I'm going to strive to train at 2%. I definitely felt a difference between the 0% and 2% incline, so it's necessary.

Looking forward to getting my Garmin 305 tomorrow (should be tomorrow). Then I'm heading to the track (if I can get someone to go with me).

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I'm very proud of my workout today. I did 35 minutes on the treadmill in a run walk interval of 2 minutes running, 3 minutes walking. I started the running pace at 4.5 mph but I build up and by the last interval I was running at 6.0 mph. Next running session I'm starting at 5.0 mph but I'm not going to run faster than 6.5 mph. Ideally, when I start training on the road (outside of my walks), I want to maintain a pace of 6.0 mph.

In terms of exertion, I definitely felt it this time. During the early run/walk intervals I would say it felt like *3/4 but as I pushed up the pace I would say the walk interval felt like a *4 and the run intervals felt like a *5, once probably even a *5/6. But, the running interval is so short that by the time it was feeling like a *5/6 it was time to walk again.

Gotta to go to work soon. I'm going to watch a little bit of my swimming video.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

We got ourselves a Sprint Tri!!!!!!!

March 7, 2010

Palm Springs

500 meter swim (open water)

14 mile bike ride

3 mile run




I was completely lazy today. Today's a rest day so I'm not worried about missing a workout, but I was still just lazy.

Ate a lot of crap too.

Anyway, tomorrow morning I have a run scheduled and, although I'm resting my aching shoulder, I may end up in the water tomorrow too because my new Total Immersion DVD just arrived! I suspect the first couple of lessons won't involve strenuous shoulder movement so we'll see if I get inspired!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Shoulder injury but it's a rest day (or it is now).

I'm tired.

Update tomorrow.

Monday, August 31, 2009

$30 later, I'm in a 5K

My partner and I have registered for our 5K!!! It's the Lexus Santa Monica 5000 benefiting St. John's Health Center:

It's on October 11th in Santa Monica. That's almost exactly 6 weeks away. I'm a little intimidated because it doesn't seem to be a run/walk event. Meaning I better make sure that I can run 3.1 miles in 30 minutes because I ain't coming in last!

I'm famous!!

So I'm at work. I decided to do a google search for this blog and guess what - nothing came up. There's something fairly comforting about knowing that this blog can't be found even if you're looking for it :)

So I've discovered another online training log that I much prefer:

I love it so far!! The information they require is much more realistic and you can map routes! I've mapped a 1/2 mile route and a one mile route right around my house!


First walk. In my eagerness to get started I forgot that today was supposed to be a rest day. No worries, I think my body can handle it. I woke up this morning, listened to some music and then promptly found my running shoes. Got dressed and went downstairs to my apt. gym only to discover that another woman was walking in least than 10 steps in front of me. We have only one treadmill, so I lose. I was going to walk to a friend's building to use her gym's treadmill (if they had one) but as soon as I got outside I realized that I could just walk outside (imagine that :)

So I did. It was great. People were friendly, I got to see more of my neighborhood the time flew. The only issue is that I don't think I got my exertion rate up to 4. I did have my keys in one hand and a Gatorade in the other, so that probably slowed me down, but I felt like I couldn't kick it up much more without falling over. We'll see on the next walk (which I guess is tomorrow morning).

I had my swimming lesson this afternoon. My instructor was quite supportive and made me feel a little better about my stroke. I actually think I'm a slightly better swimmer now. I'm motivated to practice so I'm feeling good about the swimming. I gotta say it was more of a workout than I expected. At first I thought a 25 minute session was kinda short but after doing what I thought were a lot of drills, I asked her "are we almost done?" and she's like "no, you still have 15 minutes." I mean - damn. Still, I left happy. Then I went out and bought a new pair of goggles and a kickboard.


Workout: SWIM: Approx. 30minute lesson at Echo Park pool. 25 yard long lanes. 10 minute drive from my house and work. WALK: I walked through my neighbourhood today for 35 minutes at *3 and loved it.
Diet: Better not by much though. Bacon and eggs for breakfast; chicken for lunch; some Nutri-Grain bars and cheese and biscuits.....and wine.
Cigs: Normal (at least 10 - lost count)

Agenda for DAY TWO:
WALK: 35 minute walk.
Short swim drill because I've got to try out the new goggles.

My new goggles rock!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

6 week 5K training

New twist. My training partner suggested that, given our tri date is in February 2010, we should do a couple of 5Ks to keep ourselves motivated. Great idea and given that she's a much better runner than me, I want her to stay motivated. A race run will do that so I'm willing to put in the unexpected extra effort. Trouble is, the race we both really want to do is six weeks away. And I don't think it's a run/walk event. I think you're expected to run the whole way.

I found a training plan I really like. Let's hope it works. I've made a few modifications to hopefully ensure that I will be running 3.1 miles straight in 30 mins but race day. Here's the plan for the first week:

Mon: Rest (but I'm still going to do the 5 min run. I mean, c'mon).

Tues: 35 minute fast walk (exertion effort = *4)

Wed: Rest (but I have circus arts class that night so we'll call that strength and stretching)

Thurs: 25 minute run/walk: walk 5 mins; then 2 mins running followed by 3 mins walking for 20 minutes (*3/4)

Fri: 20 minute brisk walk (*3)

Sat: Rest

Sun: 45 minute run/walk: walk 5 mins; then 2 minutes running followed by 3 minutes walking for 20 mins; then 1 minute running followed by 4 minutes walking for 20 minutes (*3/4)

Training log website

I just registered with this training log website:

Seems pretty cool. I'm sure there's more out there. Right now, it looks to track way more info than I can provide. Still, will be helpful in the future.